If you know of an event I've missed, by all means tell me. I'd be happy to add it.
- Latine loquamur!: free and biweekly!
- Grey Fox Tutors Latin Conversation: Also free and weekly! But signup required. "Grey Fox Tutors is offering a free weekly Skype Conversational Latin Workshop for all current or former Latin teachers or TAs. The Workshop is an opportunity for teachers to gain Latin speaking skills that they can then use in their own classrooms. It is currently held on Saturdays at 2 PM EST; additional times and days, however, may be added in the future as needed. For more information please contact Katerina Ourgi at [email protected] or call (212) 203-8734."
- Telepaideia: The Paideia Institute offers paid, weekly classes at a bunch of different skill levels.
- Latin D: Okay, this isn't really spoken, but this message board seems to produce excellent speakers who show up at Latine loquamur sometimes. You can certainly find people to help you build your skills here.
Recurring regional events
Please do tell me if you know of others. I'm sure the Northeast isn't the only place these happen.
- New Haven, CT: Carl Ploss usually posts about these on TLA.
- Latin meetups in Hadley, MA: See calendar under "WMass Cena Latina"
- North/Central New Jersey: See calendar.
Annual real-life events
- SALVI Events: Chiefly known for the Rusticationes held in West Virginia every summer, but SALVI also offers Bidua (two-day) immersion events throughout the country. There is also an all expenses paid award available for the Rusticatio events: The Amy High Fellowship. Definitely worth applying for. Upcoming events here & below. If you're not sure which Rusticatio is right for you, check out this comparison chart.
- Biduum Minnesotanum 2017: April 28-30, St. Paul, MN.
- Rusticatio Tironum 2017: June 30-July 6, Charles Town, WV. Intended for total newbies or those who have been to perhaps a two-day event before.
- Rusticatio Omnibus 2017: July 7-13, Charles Town, WV. Intended for any level of Latin speaker.
- SALVI 20th Anniversary Celebration: July 14-July 16, Charles Town, WV. Intended for any level of Latin speaker.
- Rusticatio Veteranorum 2017: July 18-24, Charles Town, WV. Intended for those who have attended immersion events before.
- Conventiculum Bostoniense: held in Salem, MA every summer. The first-year version includes an online SLA pedagogy course which is quite useful if you're into that.
- Paideia Institute Events: immersion programs both domestic and abroad in Rome, Caesar's "Gaul," Paris, and (for Greek) Greece. They also have a Rome one for high school students. Annually the biggest thing they do is probably Living Latin in NYC (not totally immersive), which is a mix of Latin reading sessions, and both English and Latin academic presentations and pedagogical workshops. They're doing more Greek lately as well.
- Conventicula Dickinsoniense et Lexintoniense: by far the most affordable options, it's worth noting.
- Academia Latinitati Fovendae: an academic conference in Latin.
- Tusculum Virginianum: for high school students!
- Sermo Fidelium at Wethersfield Institute: For Catholics or like-minded individuals who wish to connect their faith and the tradition of spoken Latin.
- Latin Pedagogy at Wethersfield Institute: Not fully immersive. The pedagogy instruction is in English, but there are activities & meals in Latin.
- Scholae Aestivae: A roughly two-week course in Montella, Campania, Italy. More of an academic setting aimed at improving both reading & oral proficiency.
- Living Latin in Ithaca: A 3 week course for college students in Ithaca (the gorgeous one, not the insular one), led by Michael Fontaine.